Cialis with Dapoxetine 60mg

Cialis with Dapoxetine 60mg

Brand: Sunrise
Product Code: 683
Availability: In Stock
Package: 20/40 (10 pills)
Substance: Tadalafil
9.12 £

Dapoxetine 60mg (Dapoxetine 60mg)

Order dapoxetine at a dosage of 60 mg the perfect solution to extend the time of sexual intercourse men of different ages. 60 mg - this is the optimal dosage for men, regardless of body weight. The main component of dapoxetine acts gilrohlorid, a substance that slows down the ejaculation process. Dapoxetine is available in tablet form for oral administration.

Application Features

Since the substance slowly into the blood, take a pill should be one hour before sexual intercourse. Scientists from the UK: however, in individual cases there are deviations, and if the result is not manifested, change reception Depoksetina and take one tablet per 30 minutes or 1.5 hours. Note that the effect of the drug begins only after complete absorption.

The effectiveness of this drug UK

Short intercourse (less than 3 minutes) - a psychological disorder for many men and women. 60 mg Depoksetin helps increase this time several times, regardless of the number of erections men, as experts in the UK say.

Side effects

In rare cases, there may be headache, nausea, and insomnia.

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