

Brand: Eminence Labs
Product Code: 505
Availability: In Stock
Package: 25mcg (50 pills)
Substance: Liothyronine (T3)
16.72 £

T3 (Liothyronine Sodium) is not an anabolic steroid, is a thyroid hormone and accelerates the metabolism is faster conversion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

T3 Liothyronine is a product created on the basis of thyroid hormone triiodothyronine.

 It is known that this hormone effects the active metabolic processes in the body. For the average healthy person, this hormone supports a healthy body weight, good vitality and efficiency, sometimes just enough to consume food products that contain iodine, such as fish oil, sunflower oil, iodized salt. And foods containing the amino acid tyrosine - milk, eggs, peas. This amounts to T3 hormone, as its cell is an amino acid tyrosine and three iodine molecules.

Why T3 Liothyronine popular in the UK

T3 Liothyronine gained popularity not only in people with insufficient thyroid work, but also for professional athletes in the UK. And the secret here is simple, increasing the body's metabolism and accelerating all reactions by additional hormones, the athlete achieves two goals: significantly accelerated synthesis processes enable faster build up the muscles and at the same time the same hormone accelerates the breakdown of fat in the body and release more energy. As a result, the athlete feels amazing performance, Wake up the mood, light and thus rapidly rising power rates. Typically, bodybuilders in the UK combine T3 Liothyronine with the usual intake of steroids such as Anadrol or stanozolol, to further enhance the effect. In our store you can see and other products based on sodium Liothyronine - slightly different packaging, such as: Thyro3. As well as fat burners on another basis, such as metildren, clenbuterol and others.

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